Refraction of Light
Refraction of Light: Overview
This topic covers concepts, such as, Normal Incident Rays, Refraction of Light, Phenomena Related to Refraction of Light & Cause of Refraction of Light etc.
Important Questions on Refraction of Light
What is the change in the angle of refraction of a refracted ray if it travels from rarer to a denser medium?

What is the cause of refraction of light through a glass slab? Explain with the help of a diagram.

The phenomenon of refraction of light depends on which of the following factors.

The ray of light travels slowly in a glass when compared to air thereby light undergoes refraction.

What you mean by refraction of light? Describe the refraction of light through a rectangular glass slab with the help of a diagram. With the help of an experiment, prove that the incident ray and the emergent ray of light are parallel to each other in refraction of light through a rectangular glass slab.

What you mean by refraction of light? Explain with the help of a diagram. Describe the cause of refraction. State the laws of refraction of light. Write the conditions for no refraction of light.

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the propagation of light of different colours of white light in air?